The Hidden Life of Trees
I often visit with trees on my land and when I’m hiking. I like to pat them and give them words of appreciation. I’ve known intuitively that trees get lonely when they are separated from others of their own species. Even though it sometimes feels a little weird to interact like this with trees it also feels right.
The Hidden Life of Trees makes a case that trees are a communal species and their very survival depends on how they communicate, form communities and share resources with their own species and a host of others, like fungi and bacteria.
We owe it to the health of our planet to learn about trees. Trees are a major force in climate control and in stabilizing the surface of our planet. So many acres of rich and productive land in many areas of the world has eroded away into barren dessert because trees were clear cut. Trees are a major source of joy for us, if we slow down and notice their quiet steady presence and beauty. I guarantee that reading “The Hidden Life of Trees” will elevate your understanding and appreciation of our tree friends.
If you love trees you’ll enjoy reading this book!