Fine Art

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Fine Art

Bg Hawaii Nei

Hawai'i Nei

These prints express the essence of Hawaii’s plants, forests, birds, insects and volcanic landscape. Each image tells a story about the life of the land, cultural practices and history of Hawaiʻi. Browse >
Bg Heritage Plants

Hawai'i Heritage Plant Series

This series of portraits features some the most treasured endemic and indigenous plants of Hawaiʻi. Traditionally, plants were the raw material for everyday objects. Hawaiian people harvested wild plants and they also were master agriculturists, cultivating terraced gardens in a land with no running water. Everyone in the community understood the uses and properties of their local plants. Create your own grouping of these prints for your display. Browse >
Chinese Dragon Crop

All Kine Woodcut Prints

Original prints on any subject matter that piques my interest or occupies my brain space. Browse >
Representative Hawaiian Honeybee fine art print

Hawaiian Honeybee Series

The Hawaiian Honeybee Series woodcut prints were commissioned by Big Island Bees to share the story of their relationship with honeybees in producing exquisite honeys from three of Hawaii island’s most nectar-rich trees. The team at Big Island Bees carefully tends to about 2500 hives, transporting them during the various flowering seasons to the ʻohiʻa forest, macadamia orchards and wilelaiki thickets to gather the nectar that is transformed in the hive into their signature honeys. Browse >
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